Sample Reading

Next Partner Portrait

Your Reading

Greetings, dear NAME!

I'm thrilled to embark on this reading with you. Together, we'll delve into the potential qualities of the person destined to cross your path. Get ready for an exciting journey with the cards! 💖 🔮


Physical appearance 🎭

Queen of Pentacles, The Sun, The Lovers

In the context of this Tarot portrair, the cards Queen of Pentacles, The Sun, and The Lovers combine to depict a person with a very appealing appearance. This individual likely has rich, dark brown hair, possibly their natural color, now playfully accented with blond highlights, as indicated by the presence of The Sun—a touch of brightness and vitality added to their natural earthiness.


Their blue eyes are striking, providing a sharp contrast against their fair skin. These features may draw people's attention easily, and I feel that you will be intrigued by them as well.


Moreover, their commitment to fitness, suggested by the combination of the nurturing Queen of Pentacles and the energetic Sun, is likely evident in their physique. This is a person who not only loves to keep fit, reflecting a steady and disciplined dedication to physical wellness, but also carries a sunny disposition that brightens any room they enter.


Overall, the combination of these cards in the tarot reading suggests a person who harmoniously blends natural beauty with a conscious effort towards self-improvement and health, making their appearance not just attractive but also a reflection of their inner qualities.


Astrological influences

Main elements: Air/earth.

♊ - Gemini Moon, Sun or Ascendant

♌ - Leo or the 5th house could be preeminent in the birth chart

♉ - Taurus


The combination of the Queen of Pentacles, The Sun, and The Lovers tarot cards suggests a strong connection to Taurus, Leo, and Gemini energies. The Queen of Pentacles often resonates with the grounded, pragmatic energy of Taurus, a sign known for its connection to the earth element and a practical approach to life. This could indicate a person who values stability, comfort, and material security.


The Sun card is closely aligned with Leo, a sign ruled by the Sun itself. This brings an association with fiery energy, creativity, generosity, and a larger-than-life personality.


Gemini, represented by The Lovers card, introduces an air element into this mix. This sign is known for its dual nature, communication skills, and intellectual curiosity. It suggests a person who is adaptable, sociable, and enjoys mental stimulation.


Personality traits

Oracle cards: The Giver, The Lover, The Caregiver

This individual embodies the essence of a nurturer and caregiver. Their profession may involve working with children, guiding them to unleash their creative potential. This trait harmonizes with the previously noted Leo and 5th house energies. Creativity flows through their veins, expressing itself in a love for the arts, drama, and various forms of self-expression. In your eyes, they will be irresistibly attractive, becoming a pivotal figure in your world. Their presence is both strong and magnetic, radiating generosity and warmth.


They likely have a keen interest in fitness, maintaining an energetic and well-conditioned physique. This dedication to physical well-being seems to be a result of a lengthy journey towards self-acceptance and love. Appearance holds significant importance to them, not for the sake of others, but as a reflection of their self-respect. Your attraction to them will be amplified by their bright and cheerful demeanor. They still harbor a deep belief in love and aim for a meaningful, lasting relationship.


Initially, they might lean towards a more lighthearted connection, preferring a gentle start to the relationship. But don't be misled—they possess a capacity for deep passion and commitment. This person has an abundance of love to offer, often placing the needs of others above their own. They exude maturity, stability, and independence, qualities that you will find supportive and comforting. You will like the way they support you and take care of you. They may even cook for you or you will prepare some hot meals together.


Their family ties are strong, a trait you will admire. Intellectually curious, they enjoy diverse topics, finding joy in books and stimulating conversations. Their eloquence and entertaining nature often leave a lasting impression on those they meet. They may speak particularly well. While they might appear overly focused on their career, do not be mistaken—they yearn for love just as much, exercising caution and selectivity in their pursuit.


Circumstances and energies surrounding your meeting

Three of Pentacles

Under the guidance of the Three of Pentacles, your meeting is likely to occur in a collaborative setting, possibly involving a group dynamic. There's a strong chance that work or a professional environment will play a role in your initial encounter. It seems that at least one of you will be engaged in work-related activities, or you might be introduced in a workplace context. The energy of this card suggests that direction or guidance may be exchanged between you two.


Your focus may not initially be on dating, as you'll both be immersed in your tasks or projects. However, a mutual admiration for each other's ability to cooperate effectively or excel in your respective roles will ignite a spark of interest. The traditional imagery of the Three of Pentacles, often set within the confines of a cathedral, hints at an indoor meeting place, possibly one that is steeped in history or uniqueness. A church or cathedral might be in close proximity.


Although other people will be present, the cards indicate that you will find opportunities to converse intimately and lay the groundwork for future interactions. Despite the public nature of your meeting place, there will be moments where you can enjoy each other's company in a more secluded setting.


Shared energy in the connection 💑

Eight of Wands

Represented by the Eight of Wands, a card symbolizing swift change, your relationship will be marked by dynamic growth and transformation. Both of you, being strong-willed and enthusiastic, will bring an abundance of energy into each other's lives. This card suggests that your mutual influence will catalyze significant progress, though it also advises mindfulness regarding the finer details.


Your lives will be bustling with activity, and your shared determination will drive you forward. However, it's important to balance this with emotional connection and affection. In the pursuit of your goals, be cautious not to overlook the need for emotional intimacy, as overemphasis on objectives can lead to feelings of isolation.


Travel appears to be a significant theme, with spontaneous trips and the excitement of exploring new destinations. The card points to a strong physical connection between you, indicating a relationship where passion remains ignited over time. The Eight of Wands is often seen as a metaphor for "Cupid's arrows", suggesting deep love and affection within the relationship. ☀️❤️


However, the card, being a card number 8, also brings a message of balance—understanding when to act and when to let things naturally evolve. It’s important to avoid pressuring each other, especially regarding commitments or actions one may not be ready for. Embrace living in the moment and let your emotions steer your journey.


Any new ventures you undertake together are likely to progress rapidly. While the responsibilities may seem daunting, together you will feel capable and strong. The Eight of Wands encourages you to embrace the rapid pace of change, supporting each other through the challenges and opportunities it brings.



Tips for you: how to be prepared for this connection

The Star

The Star card speaks to the journey of self-acceptance as a precursor to forming a deep connection with another. It emphasizes the importance of embracing every facet of yourself, both the strengths and the imperfections. This internal acceptance is key to fostering a similar understanding and acceptance in a relationship.


Vulnerability is a central theme here. To cultivate a reciprocal bond of openness and trust with your next partner, showing your vulnerable side is crucial. This level of honesty and exposure is deeply connected to how fully you've embraced your own vulnerabilities. By the time this new person enters your life, it's likely that you'll have undergone significant personal growth, perhaps both physically and mentally. This process of self-renewal and transformation will be instrumental in bringing you closer to your next love.


The Star also highlights the value of expanding your social circle. It encourages you to be open to forming new relationships, be it friendships or acquaintances, with genuine and pure intentions. This openness to new connections not only prepares you for your upcoming romantic journey but also enriches your life with diverse experiences and perspectives.


What to expect from the meeting

The Magician

In the presence of The Magician, your partnership is set to usher in a realm of magical and new opportunities. This card heralds a sense that together, you and your partner form a formidable creative force. Your union is not just about romance; it's a catalyst for initiating new endeavors. Being together will instill a sense of empowerment and possibility, as if you have the world at your fingertips. 🌍 ✨


This relationship will be a significant motivator, inspiring both of you to pursue your aspirations with newfound energy. The Magician symbolizes the actualization of desires, indicating that with your partner's support, you'll find yourself more focused and clear in your intentions than ever before. The mutual influence you share will be a driving force, prompting you to take decisive action and embrace your power in ways you haven't experienced previously.


Expect this partnership to be a source of empowerment, where the combined energy of both individuals amplifies each other's ability to manifest dreams and ambitions. The Magician assures that together, you'll navigate a path filled with purpose, creativity, and transformative experiences.


The potential of this relationship

Two of Cups

A beautiful union! You will feel connected on every level—spiritual, mental, and emotional. The Two of Cups foretells a connection that is comprehensive and deep, encompassing spiritual, mental, and emotional bonds, with these aspects taking precedence even before the physical connection fully develops. This card predicts an immediate and mutual spark upon your meeting, a kind of attraction that is persistent and enduring, unlikely to diminish over time.


In this relationship, kindness and generosity will be cornerstones. You and your partner are likely to share an intuitive understanding so profound that it's apparent even to outsiders. The bond you form will be swift and strong, potentially starting as a friendship but organically evolving. The progression from platonic to romantic affection may happen quicker than expected, leading to a deep and passionate love. Wonderful card to get here! ⭐❤️


The Two of Cups holds great promise for the future of this relationship, indicating the potential for a lasting commitment built on a foundation of mutual affection and care. It suggests a partnership where both individuals are deeply attuned to each other's needs and feelings, creating a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.



Further Guidance/Advice

ROMANCE: Love is at your door. This love will lift you spiritually and everything will feel more vibrant to you.


SOULMATES: This will be more than a physical attraction, it is the kind of complementary love that will play a major role in your lives. You will feel that this connection is fated.


NOT YOUR USUAL TYPE: This love will be something different from what you expect, it may be unconventional—let yourself be surprised!


Further Guidance

The World


The appearance of The World card symbolizes a significant milestone, indicating that you've reached a point of completion and wholeness, much like The Fool at the end of his journey. It seems you have achieved a great deal on your own, embodying the essence of a self-made individual with all the necessary elements for personal success. This is commendable.


Now, it's time to embrace the rejuvenating energy of new love, allowing it to propel you to even greater heights. Life is ready to offer you something more, ushering you into a new chapter. Your next romantic encounter will emerge from a place of fulfillment, enhancing your ability to be a truly supportive and giving partner. With this new love, you're not just continuing your journey—you're elevating it. Things won't be the same for you anymore—they'll get better.




Short Answer

This encounter promises to be truly impactful! Right from the beginning, you'll find yourself deeply intrigued by this person—and it's no wonder, as they look really attractive! Together, you'll have the opportunity to collaborate and turn your shared dreams into reality. As a pair, you'll be dynamic and full of energy, approaching your joint plans with great enthusiasm and making swift progress. This connection holds the potential for a lasting relationship, one where you both will experience a profound connection on several levels.


Thank you for choosing Ess Sea Tea Tarot.
